Kazuyoshi AoyamaProfile page
Associate Professor
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Orcid identifier0000-0002-7502-0896
- Associate ProfessorTemerty Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- (416)813-7654 Ext.202454 (Work)
- (416)813-7543 (Fax)
- Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 555 University Avenue, Suite 2211, Toronto, M5G 1X8, Canada
Dr. Aoyama is a Japanese-trained pediatric anesthesiologist certified by Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists and Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists, has a specialty diploma from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC), and has recently received PhD in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research at the University of Toronto, supported and funded by a Fellowship Award from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Dr. Aoyama’s main research interest is Health Services Research and as part of his PhD, he has used large databases from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). The PhD dissertation focuses on describing critically ill pregnant and postpartum women across Canada, quantifying variability of ICU admission practice and exploring the association of the variability with their outcomes – these projects are funded by CIHR. Dr. Aoyama is now translating his research methodology experience into the development of health services research and evidence synthesis for pediatric outcomes research.
- Associate Professor, Associate MemberInstitute for Medical Science, University of Toronto, Canada2023 - present
- Associate ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Toronto, Canada2022 - present
- Associate Scientist, Child Health Evaluative SciencesHospital for Sick Children, Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Toronto, Canada2019 - present
- Staff Anesthesiologist of Pediatric AnesthesiaHospital for Sick Children, Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Toronto, Canada2016 - present
- Staff Anesthesiologist of Pediatric AnesthesiaNational Center For Child Health and Development, Anesthesia and Critical Care, Tokyo, Japan2009 - 2010
- PhD, Clinical Epidemiology, Health Policy, Management and EvaluationUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada2013 - 2018
- MD, MedicineNagoya City University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan1997 - 2003
- CPSO Recognized Specialist, AnesthesiologyCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario2016 - present
- Certified Pediatric AnesthesiologistJapanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesia2014 - present
- European Diploma of Intensive CareEuropean Society of Intensive Care Medicine2014 - present
- Board Certified Intensive Care PhysicianJapanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine2013 - present
- Senior Board Certified AnesthesiologistJapanese Society of Anesthesiologis2012 - present
- Board Certified AnesthesiologistJapanese Society of Anesthesiologist2008 - present
- Registered AnesthesiologistJapan2006 - present
- National License for Medical PracticeJapan
- Clinical Fellowship (Super Fellow)Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada2015 - 2016
- Clinical Fellowship (Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship)Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada2014 - 2015
- Clinical Fellowship, Critical Care Medicine International FellowshipUniversity Health Network, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada2011 - 2014
- Clinical Research FellowshipUniversity Health Network, Mont Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada2010 - 2011
- Fellowship, Anesthesia and Critical Care (Pediatric and obstetric anesthesia)National Center For Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan2006 - 2007
- Residency, Anesthesia and Critical CareNational Center For Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan2005 - 2006
- ResidencyAnjo Kosei Hospital, Anesthesia, Okazaki, Japan2004 - 2005
- EnglishCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- JapaneseCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- Hospital for Sick Children