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Christine Tran

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream

University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of English and Drama

Orcid identifier0000-0002-1975-5046
  • Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
    University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of English and Drama


Christine H. Tran (they/she) is an Assistant Professor (LTA) at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where they are among the inaugural faculty hired to develop and teach the innovative Game Studies program offered by both the Department of English & Drama and the ICCIT.


International news outlets routinely interview Christine as an expert in Internet culture and digital platforms. You can read (or watch) her commentary in stories from  Rolling Stone, The Guardian, WIREDBBC Future, CBCBusiness InsiderSlateThe Globe and Mail, and other outlets. Their work is also frequently translated into creative and journalistic formats, with news features in The Conversation, Midnight Sun, and The Puritan, in addition to scholarly performance workshops on/about Zoom.


She has published research in peer-reviewed journals such as: Television & New MediaCommunication, Culture & CritiqueNew Media & Society, JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media StudiesInformation, Communication & SocietyGlobal Media & China, and The Canadian Journal of Communication.


Christine is also a cofounder of the Content Creator Scholars Network (CCSN), a global community hub for critical research of emerging platform economies, influencers, and digital creators. 


  • Media enquiries
  • Collaborative projects
  • Industry Projects