Shohini BhattasaliProfile page
Assistant Professor
University of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Language Studies
Orcid identifier0000-0002-6767-6529
- Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Language Studies
- University of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Language Studies, 1265 Military Trail, MW 313, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
Shohini Bhattasali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough, with a cross-appointment in the Department of Linguistics at the St. George campus. She received her PhD in Linguistics with a graduate minor in Cognitive Science. Her current work has two research themes: computational neurolinguistics and computational social science. Within computational neurolinguistics, she utilizes contemporary computational models to gain further insight into language comprehension in the brain. This line of research involves interfaces among natural language processing, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience and utilizes fMRI and EEG datasets. Within computational social science, she looks at how the linguistic patterns and features in various datasets can help uncover bias and misinformation using various NLP tools. This line of research involves leveraging computational tools, such as topic models and language models, on texts from various domains such as online social media and public health repositories, to help us improve these systems by minimizing bias and misinformation.
- Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Language Studies, Canada1 Jan 2023 - present
- Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Linguistics, Canada1 Jan 2023 - present
- PhDCornell University, Ithaca, United States
- MACornell University, Ithaca, United States
- AB, magna cum laudeBryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, United States
- EnglishCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- BengaliCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- HindiCan read, write, speak and understand
- Chinese (Mandarin)Can speak and understand
- Institute for Pandemics (IfP)
- Data Sciences Institute (DSI)