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Photo of Jeremy Quastel

Jeremy Quastel


Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Mathematics

  • Professor
    Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Mathematics
  • (416) 978 4107 (Fax)
  • (416) 946 7193 (Work)


Jeremy Quastel is University Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. A native of Canada, he studied at McGill University, then the Courant Institute (NYU) where he completed his PhD in 1990 under the direction of S.R.S. Varadhan. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, then a faculty at UCDavis until he returned to Canada in 1998. His research is in probability, stochastic processes and partial differential equations. He has made major advances in the fields of hydrodynamic theory, stochastic partial differential equations, and integrable probability. In 2010 he discovered the first exact distributional solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation and in 2017 the KPZ fixed point - the scaling invariant, integrable Markov process at the centre of the KPZ universality class. His work led to the mathematics department becoming a world centre for research in random interface growth.

He was a Sloan Fellow (1996-98), invited session speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (2010), gave the Current Developments in Mathematics (2011) and St. Flour lectures (2012), was a plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (2012), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2016) and of the Royal Society (2021), and won the CRM-Fields-PIMS prize (2018) and the Jeffery-Williams Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society (2019). He was Chair of the Department of Mathematics 2017-2021.


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  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision