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Photo of Zaheer Baber

Zaheer Baber


University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Sociology

  • Professor
    University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Sociology


Prof Zaheer specializes in general critical sociology. His broad, general research interests include but are not limited to social theory, science, technology and society, comparative and historical sociology, race and racial projects, visual sociology, etc. He has recently completed a SSHRC funded project on the role of botanical gardens and colonial rivalries in the emergence of Botany as a formal science. In addition to a number of books and articles, he is also a frequent contributor of review-essays in the “public sociology” mode to the Times Literary Supplement, Nature, and Economic and Political Weekly.

Prof Zaheer Baber is a Professor at University of Toronto. He is affiliated with the Institute of Communication, Culture and Information Technology, Centre for South Asian Civilizations, The Knowledge, Media and Design Institute and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. His previous institutional affiliations include the National University of Singapore (1994-2001) University of Tokyo as the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow (1996) the University of Victoria (1993) and the University of Saskatchewan as the Canada Research Chair (2001-2005).


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