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Photo of Douglas Stephan

Douglas Stephan


Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Chemistry

Orcid identifier0000-0001-8140-8355
  • Professor
    Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Chemistry
  • 416-946-3294 (Work)
  • 647-339-3568 (Work)


Doug Stephan, born in Hamilton, graduated with his BSc at McMaster (1976) and completed his PhD at UWO (1980). He then held a NATO PDF at Harvard, before beginning his independent career at the University of Windsor (1982). He was promoted to Associate Professor (1985), full Professor(1992) and named a NSERC Industrial Research Chair (2001), University Professor (2002), Canada Research Chair (2005), and Department Head (2003-2006). In 2008 he moved to the University of Toronto as a Professor and Canada Research Chair and in 2018, he was appointed University Professor. He was an Einstein Visiting Fellow at TU-Berlin from 20216-2019 and in 2020, he established an additional satellite laboratory at Ningbo University as a Zhedong Scholar Chair Professor. He was an Associated Editor for Chemical Society Reviews for 6 years, the Chair of the editorial board and is now Chair of the editorial board of Chemical Communications. In 2023, he was named the John C. Polanyi Chair of Chemistry at the University of Toronto and in 2024 was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online


  • Professor
    University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry, Toronto, Canada2008 - present
  • University Professor
    University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada2002 - 2007
  • Department Head
    University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada2003 - 2006
  • Professor
    University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada1992 - 2002
  • Associate Professor
    University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada1985 - 1992
  • Assistant Professor
    University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada1982 - 1985


  • Ph.D
    Western University, London, Canada1980
  • B.Sc.
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada1976


  • NATO Postdoctoral Fellow
    Harvard University, Cambridge, United States1980 - 1982
    Postdoctoral FellowshipSupervised by Holm RH


  • Media enquiries
  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision


  • Climate Positive Energy (CPE)