Konstantine ZakzanisProfile page
University of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Psychology
Orcid identifier0000-0001-7859-9701
- ProfessorUniversity of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Psychology
- (416) 287-7424 (Work)
- (416) 287-7443 (Lab)
- (416) 287-7642 (Fax)
Dr. Zakzanis received his Honours B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Clinical Psychology from York University. He is a tenured Full Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology and Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Dr. Zakzanis is a member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario and licensed to practice within the province of Ontario in both Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology. Dr. Zakzanis is a member of the Ontario, Canadian and American Psychological Associations, as well as the International Neuropsychological Society, American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (Affiliate Member), the National Academy of Neuropsychology, and the Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment, and is the sitting President for the Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators. Dr. Zakzanis is continuously active in clinical research with peer reviewed publications related to psychological and neuropsychological assessment (e.g., test sensitivity; malingering; psychometric test development, etc.), various clinical disorders (e.g., traumatic brain injury/concussion; major depressive disorder; schizophrenia; dementia, etc.) and various clinical and research methodologies (e.g., brain imaging; meta-analysis, etc.). Dr. Zakzanis has also given numerous invited addresses on clinical psychology and neuropsychology at national and international meetings. He has received research grant support from federal and provincial funding agencies and has received research, teaching and service awards. Dr. Zakzanis has also served as an academic supervisor for numerous undergraduate and graduate students. Moreover, Dr. Zakzanis is a current Associate Editor for Psychological Injury and the Law, and a past Associate Editor for Neuropsychology. He is also a current Consulting Editor to The Clinical Neuropsychologist and The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, and has, moreover, served as an editorial referee for numerous peer reviewed research journals.
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
- Associate Professor, Department of PsychologyUniversity of Toronto Scarborough, Canada2004 - 2015
- Assistant Professor, Department of PsychologyUniversity of Toronto Scarborough, Canada1999 - 2004
- Staff PsychologistSt. John’s Rehabilitation Hospital1999 - 1999
- Clinical Intern, Department of PsychologyBaycrest Centre for Geriatric Care1995 - 1997
- Clinical Intern, Cognitive NeurologySunnybrook and Women’s Health Sciences Centre1995 - 1997
- PhD in Clinical PsychologyYork University, Canada
- MA in Clinical PsychologyYork University, Toronto, Canada
- BA in Psychology and Mass Communication, HonoursYork University, Toronto, Canada
- Program of Insurance Medicine and Medicolegal ExpertiseUniversite de Montreal, Faculty of Medicine
- Industry Projects
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision
- Media enquiries