Elisa BrilliProfile page
Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Italian Studies
Orcid identifier0000-0002-1845-9683
- ProfessorFaculty of Arts and Science, Department of Italian Studies
- University of Toronto, Department of Italian Studies, 100 St. Joseph Street (Carr Hall), Toronto, ON, M5S 1J4, Canada
- University of Toronto, Center for Medieval Studies, 125 Queen’s Park (Massey Building), Toronto, ON, M5S 2C7, Canada
Elisa Brilli is an Professor in the Department of Italian Studies, and cross-appointed to the Centre for Medieval Studies, where she is also serving as Director (2022-2027).
She completed her Bachelor's degree at La Sapienza, Rome (2004) and her joint and Ph.D. at La Sapienza, Rome and at the Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2009).
Professor Brilli's research focuses on Dante Studies, the interactions between history and literature, medieval exemplary literature, historiography and research methodologies. She is the author of Firenze e il Profeta, the chief editor of the Alphabetum Narrationum by Arnold of Liège, the co-editor of four volumes, and the author of several articles in academic journals and in books.
Brilli is Associate Member of the Laboratoire d’études sur les Monothéismes, EPHE-CNRS-Paris IV, the Kunsthistorisches Institut, MPG in Florence, AHLoMA, EHESS, and Fellow of Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
She works on the Editorial Board of Dante Studies, the Bibliographic Committee of the Dante Society of America, the Advisory Boards of Aevum, The Italianist, Quaderni d’Italianistica, Studi Danteschi, and the Rivista internazionale di ricerche dantesche.
She completed her Bachelor's degree at La Sapienza, Rome (2004) and her joint and Ph.D. at La Sapienza, Rome and at the Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2009).
Professor Brilli's research focuses on Dante Studies, the interactions between history and literature, medieval exemplary literature, historiography and research methodologies. She is the author of Firenze e il Profeta, the chief editor of the Alphabetum Narrationum by Arnold of Liège, the co-editor of four volumes, and the author of several articles in academic journals and in books.
Brilli is Associate Member of the Laboratoire d’études sur les Monothéismes, EPHE-CNRS-Paris IV, the Kunsthistorisches Institut, MPG in Florence, AHLoMA, EHESS, and Fellow of Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
She works on the Editorial Board of Dante Studies, the Bibliographic Committee of the Dante Society of America, the Advisory Boards of Aevum, The Italianist, Quaderni d’Italianistica, Studi Danteschi, and the Rivista internazionale di ricerche dantesche.
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- ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Italian Studies (cross-appointed to Centre for Medieval Studies), Toronto, Canada1 Jul 2022 - present
- DirectorUniversity of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto, Canada1 Jul 2022 - present
- Invited Visiting ScholarÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France2022 - 2022
- Associate Professor, Italian Medieval Literature and CultureUniversity of Toronto, Department of Italian Studies, Toronto, Canada2020 - 2022
- Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Italian Medieval Literature and CultureUniversity of Toronto, Department of Italian Studies, Toronto, Canada2015 - 2020
- Associate MemberUniversity of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto, Canada2015 - 2021
- Junior Lecturer in Medieval History (Attaché temporaire d’Enseignement et Recherche à mi-temps, Sciences Sociales du Moyen Age)École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France2008 - 2009
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Letteratura, Linguistica e Filologia & Histoire et CivilisationsUniversity of Rome “La Sapienza” & École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Rome, Paris, Italy, France2009
- Laurea (MA) summa cum laude, Lettere e FilosofiaUniversity of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy2004
- Maturità classicaLiceo Classico Ennio Quirino Visconti, Rome, Italy1998
- Ambizione Post-doctoral FellowUniversity of Zurich, Swiss National Science Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland2013 - 2015Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Post-doctoral Fernand Braudel-IFER-Incoming FellowÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France2012 - 2013Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Post-doctoral Visiting FellowGREPSOMM, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada2012 - 2012Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Post-doctoral FellowMax Planck Gesellschaft, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Germany2010 - 2011Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ItalianCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- FrenchCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- EnglishCan read, write, speak, understand and peer review
- LatinCan read and peer review
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision
- Media enquiries
- Collaborative projects