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Photo of Greg Evans

Greg Evans


Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

Orcid identifier0000-0002-9641-4499
  • Professor
    Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
  • 416-978-1821 (Work)


The director of both ISTEP and SOCAAR, Professor Greg Evans is very interested in air quality and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He is particularly passionate about how to better engage engineering students to develop the competencies and skills that will help them enjoy successful careers while benefitting society. Professor Evans is pursuing research related to the instruction of transdisciplinary competencies, metacognition, lab-based learning and leveraging data to create a more holistic picture of the student learning experience.

Outside of ISTEP, Professor Evans is a core faculty member within the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (ChemE) at U of T. He also leads SOCAAR, an interdisciplinary research centre that studies air quality with a particular focus on how air quality impacts human health, climate and the environment.

Over the course of his distinguished career at the University of Toronto, Professor Evans has received numerous awards and accolades for his dedication to engineering education, including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship (2017) and the Allan Blizzard Award (2014) from the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations Award (2015), the Northrop Frye Award for integrating research and teaching (2013), and the 2010 Engineers Canada Medal for Distinction in Engineering Education (2010). He is also a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Canadian Engineering Education Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online


  • Academic Director
    University of Toronto, Institute for Studies in Trans-Disciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP), Toronto, Canada1 Jul 2023 - present
  • Professor
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada1990 - present


  • PhD
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • M.A.Sc.
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • B.A.Sc.
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada


  • English
  • French


  • Media enquiries


  • Mobility Network
  • Climate Positive Energy (CPE)
  • Data Sciences Institute (DSI)
  • School of Cities