Darryl GwynneProfile page
Professor Emeritus/Emerita
University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Biology
- Professor Emeritus/EmeritaUniversity of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Biology
- 905-828-3892 (Work)
Darryl Gwynne is a professor in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. His research focuses on behavioral ecology, specifically the evolution of reproductive behaviour and associated life-history features. A key focus has been how male investment in reproduction (particularly mate-feeding) controls the operation of sexual selection and the evolution of sexual differences in mating, ornaments, and weaponry used in sexual competition. The systems under study have included insects and spiders in which males feed their mates, particularly orthopteran insects (crickets, katydids and New Zealand weta). One focal species, the Mormon cricket, appears to show variable life history not only in sexual behaviour but also in apparent "phases" (solitary versus gregarious).
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
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- PhDColorado State University, Fort Collins, United States
- BScUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
- Media enquiries
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision