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Photo of Enrica Piccardo

Enrica Piccardo


Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Orcid identifier0000-0002-2509-9436
  • Professor
    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning



Enrica Piccardo is a Professor in the Languages and Literacies Education Program (Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning) and the Director of the Centre for Educational Research in Languages and Literacies, Her internationally recognized research is centred around Second/Foreign Language learning and teaching, plurilingualism and mediation, the impact of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) on language teaching and assessment, complexity theories, and creativity in language acquisition. Prof. Piccardo teaches courses in Second/Foreign language Education and Teacher Development.


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  • Maitre de Conférences (equiv. Associate Professor)
    Grenoble Alpes University, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France2014 - present
  • Editor-in-Chief
    Synergies Europe (Academic Journal), France2005 - 2012
  • Member of the Board of Directors
    Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, Canada2013 - 2019


  • Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, Summa cum laude
    Università degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy1985
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Applied Linguistics, très honorable et félicitations du jury
    Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), Compiègne, France1999 - 2003
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Teaching French as a Second or Foreign Language
    Università degli Studi di Brescia, Brescia, Italy1999 - 2003


  • Italian
  • English
  • French