Anne McGuireProfile page
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Faculty of Arts and Science, New College
- Associate Professor, Teaching StreamFaculty of Arts and Science, New College
- University of Toronto, 300 Huron St, Wetmore Hall, Room 2018, Toronto, M5S 3J6, Canada
Anne McGuire is an associate professor and director of the program for Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity at UofT, where she teaches courses in critical disability studies. She is the author of War on Autism: On the Cultural Logic of Normative Violence (2016, University of Michigan Press), which received the 2016 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities. Anne was awarded the 2016 June Larkin Pedagogy Award and the 2018 UofT Early Career Teaching Award for her work advancing collective access in the university classroom. She is also a community educator and co-author of We Move Together (AK Press, 2021) , a picture book about disability justice and winner of the Harriet McBryde Johnson Award for NonFiction (2022) and the 2022 ILBA silver medal for best educational education children's picturebook in English.
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
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