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Photo of Konrad Eisenbichler

Konrad Eisenbichler

Professor Emeritus/Emerita

Faculty of Arts and Science

  • Professor Emeritus/Emerita
    Faculty of Arts and Science


Konrad Eisenbichler is a prize-winning scholar and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto working on the intersection of literature, politics, and religion in Renaissance Italy, with a side interest in the literature and history of Italian immigration in Canada. His many contributions to scholarship have been recognized at the highest levels both in Canada and Italy. A prolific author with more than 30 books authored, edited, or translated, and over 70 articles in peer-reviewed venues, he has also served the Academy in senior positions including as president of the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies, and the Canadian Society for Italian Studies, as chair of the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium, and as director of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies. Within the Italian community, he has long been editor of the quarterly "El Boletin" of the Club Giuliano Dalmato di Toronto and a three-term president of the Federazione Giuliano-Dalmata Canadese.

Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online


  • Full Professor with Tenure
    University of Toronto, Italian Studies and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University, Toronto, Canada2001 - present
  • Associate Professor with Tenure
    University of Toronto, Renaissance Studies, Victoria University and Italian Studies, Toronto, Canada1988 - 1999
  • Assistant Professor (Tenure-stream)
    University of Toronto, Renaissance Studies, Victoria University and Italian Studie, Toronto, Canada1985 - 1988
  • Assistant Professor
    University of Toronto, Italian Studies, Toronto, Canada1982 - 1985
  • Lecturer in Italian
    McMaster University, Department of Romance Languages, Hamilton, Canada1978 - 1978


  • PhD
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada1981
  • M.A.
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada1974
  • Hon. B.A.
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada1973


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