Keiko YoshiokaProfile page
Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Cell and Systems Biology
Orcid identifier0000-0002-3797-4277
- ProfessorFaculty of Arts and Science, Department of Cell and Systems Biology
- +1 (416) 978-3545 (Work)
- +1 (416) 946-0444 (Lab)
- University of Toronto, Department of Cell & Systems Biology, 25 Willcocks St., Toronto, ON, M5S 3B2, Canada
Dr. Keiko Yoshioka is a Professor at the Department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto. She has obtained her Ph.D. in plant molecular biology at Hokkaido University for a joint project with the National Institute of Agrobiological Science (NIAS) (Japan). She was a postdoctoral researcher at the RIKEN Institute (Japan) and the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers of the State University of New Jersey (USA), and a Research Associate at the Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell University (USA) prior to her appointment at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Yoshioka's current research endeavors focus on signal transduction of stress responses in plants with an emphasis on immunity, and the generation of stress tolerant (pathogen resistant) crop plants. Understanding the molecular mechanism of plant defense systems is critical in determining how plants defend themselves against various stresses, including pathogens and applying this knowledge to improve agricultural production and protect environment against possible negative impact from pesticides and fungicides. The long-term goal of Yoshioka laboratory is to understand how plants transmit the intra- and inter-cellular signals of various environmental stresses including pathogen infection. To achieve this goal, they are using both forward and reverse genetics approaches to identifying novel components (genes/proteins) that are involved in plant immunity.
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Dr. Yoshioka's current research endeavors focus on signal transduction of stress responses in plants with an emphasis on immunity, and the generation of stress tolerant (pathogen resistant) crop plants. Understanding the molecular mechanism of plant defense systems is critical in determining how plants defend themselves against various stresses, including pathogens and applying this knowledge to improve agricultural production and protect environment against possible negative impact from pesticides and fungicides. The long-term goal of Yoshioka laboratory is to understand how plants transmit the intra- and inter-cellular signals of various environmental stresses including pathogen infection. To achieve this goal, they are using both forward and reverse genetics approaches to identifying novel components (genes/proteins) that are involved in plant immunity.
Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online
- ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Toronto, CanadaJul 2017 - present
- Associate ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Toronto, CanadaJul 2010 - Jun 2017
- Tenure awardUniversity of Toronto, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Toronto, CanadaJun 2010 - present
- Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Toronto, CanadaJun 2006 - Jul 2010
- Visiting ResearcherHelmholtz Zentrum München, Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology, Munich, GermanyJul 2017 - Oct 2017
- Visiting ProfessorUniversity of Washington, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Seattle, United StatesJan 2012 - Jul 2012
- Visiting ProfessorTokyo University of Science, Tokyo, JapanJun 2010 - Jul 2010
- Appointment to graduate schoolUniversity of Toronto, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Toronto, CanadaDec 2003 - present
- Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto, Department of Botany, Toronto, CanadaDec 2003 - Jun 2006
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), AgricultureHokkaido University, Sapporo, JapanMar 1994
- Master of Science (M.Sc.), AgricultureHokkaido University, Sapporo, JapanMar 1991
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), AgricultureHokkaido University, Sapporo, JapanMar 1989
- Research AssociateCornell University, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, United StatesSep 2001 - Dec 2003Postdoctoral ResearchSupervised by Klessig DF
- Post-Doctoral FellowCornell University, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, United StatesSep 2001 - Dec 2003Postdoctoral FellowshipSupervised by Klessig DF
- Post-Doctoral FellowRutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Waksman Institute, New Brunswick, United StatesApr 1998 - Aug 2000Postdoctoral FellowshipSupervised by Klessig DF
- Special Post-Doctoral ResearcherRIKEN Institute/ Host laboratory: Micro-toxicology laboratory, JapanApr 1995 - Mar 1998Independent position including independent research team and grant, Micro-toxicology laboratoryPostdoctoral FellowshipSupervised by Yamaguchi I
- Research AssociateIbaraki Biotechnology Institute, Ibaraki, JapanApr 1993 - Mar 1995Other
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision
- Media enquiries